Dog Bites

Dog Attacks and Dog Bites

Injuries from dog bites can range from minor to severe, in some cases leaving life-long scars to the victim.  Although a dog bite can happen to both child or adult alike, all too often children sustain the worst injuries resulting from a dog bite.

In Oklahoma, the laws are generally favorable to the victim of a dog bite or mauling and allow recovery for not just medical expenses, but physical and mental pain and suffering, scars, and lost wages, if applicable.

There are some important things you should do following a dog bite:

  1. Seek medical attention immediately. Do NOT delay.  Even minor injuries can result in serious infection, making immediate medical treatment a necessity.
  2. Contact the police or animal control to report the injury.
  3. Obtain contact information about the dog owner, if possible. Though this may be difficult, especially if a child or spouse was seriously injured by another’s dog, keep any interaction with the dog’s owner civil.  If you are unable to obtain the dog owner’s contact information, get any information you can.
  4. Obtain contact information for any witnesses, or anyone who has information about the dog or its owner.
  5. Take photographs of the injuries and clothing.

Finally, as soon as possible, you should contact an attorney experienced in handling dog bite cases.  Don’t leave your recovery up to an adjuster who works for the insurance company.  Trying to handle an insurance claim, while recovering, or worse, nursing your injured child back to health, will only result in more stress and anxiety for you.  Attorney Melissa Hedrick understands how stressful an injury to your child can be, having experienced a serious injury with her own daughter, when Emma’s fingers were severely crushed/partially amputated in an accident.  Having to face surgery and a long road to recovery is difficult, and your time should be spent recovering, or helping your injured child recover.

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